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IT Auditor; Salary, Career Path, Job Description and Certification

The IT auditor's job was developed to increase financial security and use the recent technologies to support financial Auditing. This position requires strict selection criteria to operate in companies, financial organizations, and institutions. As this job is the center of interest of many potential auditors, an article exclusively covers the frequently asked questions on this career.

How to Start a career in IT Auditing?

how to start auditing career

Before thinking of any career, you should first think of what it consists of. An IT auditor differs from an external auditor and has various missions to do. You must first know that an IT auditor is a job tackling a given process by analyzing how it is managed from an IT perspective. The responsibilities of this IT employee are various among them; controlling the information systems of a company. It can be through evaluating computer hardware, software, and systems. Adding to auditing roles, an IT auditor is responsible for his department's technical and organizational side. Take a look at  Roles and Responsibilities of Computer Hardware Engineers.

Are IT Auditors in Demand?

Thanks to technical development, IT Auditors are in massive demand in many institutions. IT auditing is a mixture of information technology and accounting qualifications. IT auditors are improving the technical organization's infrastructure and providing the necessary systems to verify its operations' effectiveness. Since they control the IT systems, they can establish a well-determined auditing service that meets its requirements. Take a look at; Auditing Career FAQs.

What does an IT Auditor Do?

Offering both Auditing and IT services, IT auditors perform various tasks employing IT tools. Let's take a look at the significant missions:

-Managing the company's IT functions: that is, an IT auditor is responsible for analyzing information systems, procedures, and all IT resources. In other words, IT auditors manage Auditing, and IT functions:

Audit of IT applications: IT auditors set up the new applications' plans to be designed or developed.

-Information systems security: IT auditors conduct research and establish possible security improvements of information systems. They guarantee the reliability of the data to be transmitted

IT auditors Skills:

Every job requires a set of hard and soft skills to meet the requirements. IT auditors should have the following skills to accomplish their missions:

  • Technical skills: having strong technical skills in terms of IT, networks, and security
  • Analytical skills: these skills are required to analyze the company's systems and data  
  • Communication skills: they are required to coordinate the work with a team of colleague
  • Accounting skills: having business knowledge.

An IT auditor should have some professional qualities to win the job, such as; having an excellent general, economic and financial culture, having a sense of integrity, and attention to detail.

How Do I Get into IT Auditing?

how too get into IT auditing

The IT auditor is not always well received in the company. The general or financial management demands this job of the company. That's why many businesses, accounting, and finance graduates wonder about the necessary certifications and application process to get the job. The fundamental academic requirement depends on the company:

Some of them require a Bachelor's degree in IT or computer science and a business certificate. Others require IT engineers, with a slight emphasis on accounting. The current requirements might focus on a specialized master's degree in audit, management control, information systems, or a CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor). This certification can be a fundamental requirement for the job.

Do IT Auditors Get Paid Well:

IT auditors salary

Concerning payment, this job is part of the high-paying jobs in the IT and accounting industry. An entry-level IT auditor makes between 35,000 and 45,000 per year. The salary can be increased concerning experienced applicants depending on the level of expertise and varies between 55,000 and 60,000k. Some experienced IT auditors aspire to earn 70,000 to 80,000. This is possible through the available career evolution.  

The IT auditor can progress to managerial functions within information systems; for example, an experienced IT auditor can become a CIO. It can also be oriented towards advice or expertise in the field of computer security. Here are the Biggest Challenges Faced by CIO in 2021

These were the frequently asked questions exclusively inquiring about the IT auditor's career choice. To sum up, IT auditors are responsible for evaluating the company's financial operations and services. This job helps provide a technical, organizational, functional, economic, and human diagnosis for its various IT areas. There are some fundamental skills and qualities required in this position. The candidate proves his ability in analyzing the procedures, security devices, and the various means of access existing in the company. A few years in this job make it possible for an IT auditor to evolve towards a management position in an IT department or consulting in IT security.


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